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協力者 通訳:halkeyeさん Va1heru選手
Va1heru Stats

Q1  あなたはよく最前線でHTの撃ち合いしていますが試合終盤にもHPをたくさん持っていますがあなたはどのような事を意識していますか?

A1  私が最前線にいるという認識は正しくはありません。私はその戦車にとって最適だと思うポジションで戦う事を意識しています。私がよく前線にいるのは精度の悪い戦車でダメージを稼がないといけないからです。

Q2  敵のHTと1v1するときあなたは敵のミスショットを誘発させるのと敵の弾を弾くどちらを優先しますか?

A2 1v1はあまり好まれる状況ではありません。私が1v1になるときは味方からの支援が無く孤立してしまったときです。忘れてはならないのは常に味方から支援を受けれる位置にいることであり自ら孤立することは最大の愚策です。あなたのHPは味方、敵の誰よりも大切なものです。私が1v1の接近戦をする場合はダメージを与えながら履帯を切り敵の弾を弾くそれを繰り返します特に履帯を切ることはとても大切です。しかし、これらの状況はとてもたくさんのパターンがあり車・MAP・ポジション・HPによって異なります。

Q3 あなたはチームが勝つためにはチームの薄いラインを防衛するのと敵の薄いラインを攻撃するのどっちが最善策だと思いますか?

A3 はっきり言ってこれに明確な答えはありません。すべての試合は異なり毎回異なる動きをしなければなりませんしすべての試合に勝つことはできません。私は味方と共に行動し戦線を突破し有利なダメージ交換をすることが最も簡単な答えだと思っています。各MAPには強ポジといわれる場所がありますが状況次第ではなんも意味が無いこともあります。2週間前私は20戦して勝率が50%もなかった日がありましたこの時私のプレイはいつもと変わりませんでした。時間と練習と忍耐がもっとも大切です。私は5年間プレイしてますがまだまだ改善して学習していく必要があります。

Thank you  Va1heru and halkeye 

Va1heru Twitch 『https://www.twitch.tv/va1heruwot』

この記事書いた人 Twitter


Q1 you play ht at front line but you often remain your HP as well. How do you do that and what are you aware of?

A1 To question 1: the front line part isn't true, I play where I feel I'm most effective. Most of the time its front line, but that's just because most tanks I play now aren't very accurate and and I need to hit my shots to do damage. The hp saving comes from playing alot of mediums in the past. Mediums have alot less hp and alot less alpha damage. Which means it's critical to save hp for when you carry. The only favourable trades in my eyes are 3 shots done for one shot taken. Even that is too much sometimes, hp is the most valuable asset you have in a tank. Without it you cannot push an enemy to kill him or take important positions on the map to farm dmg and win

Q2 if you are fighting 1 on 1 against other HT would you rather bait their miss shot or you will try to bounce them?

A2 To question 2: this is hard to answer because 1v1 is not very good to do. The only times I 1v1 is when I messed up and get left alone with no help. You should never be anywhere without friendly tanks to support. Remember, your hp is more valuable than enemies or friendlies (most of the time.) if I have to 1v1 I will try to perma track them, and then hug their side moving back and forth to stop them from penetrate me, when they bounce or miss, I move out and track them again. Again this is very situational, every 1v1 is different, different tanks/maps/positions/hp. It's up to you to figure out what to do, it just takes time and practice

Q3 Which do you think will lead team to win, defending weakest point for team or attacking weakest point of enemy team?

A3 To question 3: wins are not down to one decision, you cannot win all games, every game is different and therefore you need to do different things every game. Some maps have one position that is very strong, that when played correctly you win almost always. However, the enemy team may simply deny you or just avoid you altogether leaving you useless having done nothing. The easiet simplest answer I think is to see where your tram goes and go with them. You cannot hold a flank/position by yourself, without support it is very hard to do this. Like I mentioned earlier, you must have support where you go. You must use the Armour/hp/stupidity of your friendly tanks to your advantage. Sometimes in a match both teams will all go to the same place, and it comes down to who trades hp more effectively. There is no one way to win. Even I have loss streaks, 2 weeks ago I had 50% wr after 20 battles. I played the same way I always do but I still lose. It just takes time, practise and patience to learn these things. Ive been playing for 5 years now. I've been improving for 4. I am still improving and learning.